Detective short story
Audiobook – The Headache, by Miss Planeix Listen to The Headache and answer the questions you were given in class.Ecoute […]
La webradio du Collège Willy MABRUT
The English Corner
Don't worry ! Be happy !
Audiobook – The Headache, by Miss Planeix Listen to The Headache and answer the questions you were given in class.Ecoute […]
Listen to Louna and Charlotte interviewing Kate and Roddie, the two British musicians you met in February, to get more […]
4A and 4B made portraits of their favourite celebrities. Listen to them to discover who they are!
Dear penpals!Listen to Elyne, Apolline, Morgane and Savanah to discover what it’s like to be a student in Willy Mabrut. […]
A l’occasion de la semaine des langues, Sophia, californienne et étudiante à Washington D.C, est venue rendre visite aux élèves […]
A l’occasion de la semaine des langues, Juline, Charlotte, Anna, Lucien, Fanny et Clément ont interviewé Palak et fait son […]
Elyne vous emmène découvrir un des états américains les plus emblématiques. Alors on attrape son sac à dos, et on […]
Emma Watson, by Solane and Louise. David Beckham, by Noëly and Ambre. Rihanna, by Fanny and Sara Lewis Hamilton, by […]
Thanks to Antoine, discover the life of Joey Jordison, from his childhood to his fame with the famous NuMetal band […]
Tout le monde pense connaître Pocahontas, et pourtant ! Ecoutez cette chronique pour la découvrir, ou la redécouvrir !
Compréhension orale à destination des élèves de 4ème dans le cadre de la séquence “Who are they ?” Si la […]
En Amérique Latine puis en Amérique du Nord, les Espagnols puis les Britanniques se sont installés sur les terres des […]
By Camille and Andréa
By Andréa and Romane Discover how Billie Eilish became an artist and what inspires her in this fictional interview ! […]