The English Corner

Don't worry ! Be happy !

Detective short story

Audiobook – The Headache, by Miss Planeix Listen to The Headache and answer the questions you were given in class.Ecoute […]

Scottish Day in Bourg-Lastic

Listen to Louna and Charlotte interviewing Kate and Roddie, the two British musicians you met in February, to get more […]

An introduction to our school!

Dear penpals!Listen to Elyne, Apolline, Morgane and Savanah to discover what it’s like to be a student in Willy Mabrut. […]

From California to Bourg-Lastic

A l’occasion de la semaine des langues, Sophia, californienne et étudiante à Washington D.C, est venue rendre visite aux élèves […]

Palak’s Chinese portrait

A l’occasion de la semaine des langues, Juline, Charlotte, Anna, Lucien, Fanny et Clément ont interviewé Palak et fait son […]

On part en voyage!

Elyne vous emmène découvrir un des états américains les plus emblématiques. Alors on attrape son sac à dos, et on […]

Discover Celebrities!

Emma Watson, by Solane and Louise. David Beckham, by Noëly and Ambre. Rihanna, by Fanny and Sara Lewis Hamilton, by […]

Billie Eilish is not a bad guy!

By Andréa and Romane Discover how Billie Eilish became an artist and what inspires her in this fictional interview ! […]

Académie de Clermont-Ferrand